Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Miniature Horses

As far as I know, this is the final, actual, real date of my surgery: June 16, 2014 at 5:00 am.

A long wait, but it is what it is.  I had thought, when we first went to Hopkins, that it would be much sooner.   I was looking forward to getting the surgery part out of the way and the recovery part started.  It turns out that the whole thing is more complicated than originally thought, so I have to wait for the whole team of folks to be available and in the operating room.

Can you tell I am a little bit obsessed about my brain tumor.  Wouldn't you be?  

Today, on top of having my constant headache, I have been feeling sick.  Sore throat and swollen glands.  If I am still feeling sick in the morning I will go see my regular doctor.   I don't want to feel any more physical misery.

Nick worked today.  I slept in and then for most of the day I had time to myself and I just knitted and sewed and watched TV.  

On the weekend, my sister and I took her two granddaughters to Frying Pan Park to see the animals.  Specifically, the miniature horses.   They are really amazing, they are so tiny. 

We met some neat nuns.  yes, I said nuns.  They are from a monastery in Pennsylvania I think.  The raise and sell the horses to make money.  As the Sister said "you have to pay to pray"   They sure were working hard, wearing full habits.

And now, before heading to bed (before 2am for a change) I will post some pictures.

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