Friday, August 23, 2019

Blood clots hurt

My left calf has been tight,  So tight. And tender. And the bulge behind my knee is exquisitely painful.   Crying into a pillow painful.

I've never had knee replacement surgery before so had no expectations.  That is except I was pretty sure if would be painful.

The first few days after surgery I was in total agony.  Lifting my foot even an inch was almost impossible. Getting into bed, getting into or out of the car had to be done in slow motion.  And of course there's the vocalization.  Ohhh it hurts.    I am getting better at moving  my limbs.
I am so sad about Kitty Cat's death.  She had a blood clot.  I have a blood clot.  It really is painful.   Life makes no sense.

And for whatever reason, I am feeling very mortal.  Yes, I could live another 30 years or more.  Or, I could have a little blood clot and fall over dead in an instant.

 This is how the back of my leg looked on Sunday the 18th

This is how much my leg swelling up two days later

Oh yeah, and I am not allowed to fly anywhere.  Not sure for how long.

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