Thursday, July 4, 2024

Happy Fourth of July!

 I am sure I have written about all of the Independence Day celebrations we have been through.  Sometimes we were overseas and were working as representatives on the USA.  Other times we were lighting legal fireworks in the driveway with our kids watching,

This is what I wrote to a dear friend yesterday:

"Have you ever been to the fire works in Downtown DC on the Mall?     One year when I was about 10, my dad took me.  It was very windy so they called the show off and held it the next day.  It was called the Fourth and a Half of July.

Nick and I have been a few times. Once with my mom when Nick had a good parking spot at the IRS building (he worked at the Tax Court when he was in law school).  Once when we were all dressed up as Pilgrims- Nick had a parking spot in the State Department basement lot.   We were in the parade that year.

In 1999, after we had returned from Australia and Nick and I were not living together, all five kids and I took the Metro to the fireworks.    We discovered that the Smithsonian museums were open for a while so we went there to use the bathroom.   There were Harri Krishna people giving free food (we made a donation).   After the fireworks a lot of people had left trash, so Courtney insisted that we pick up as much trash as we could before going home.

So many memorable July 4th celebrations overseas too.  Where we were the hosts.   Including the one when the boss, as he was departing the post said "oh by the way, I have sent out invitations for 1,200.00 people for the Fourth of July celebration at the consulate.  Leaving Nick and I to organize the food, fireworks and entertainment.  "Only" 600 people showed up!"
Independence Day 1993 Washington, DC


We went to North Carolina to meet our new grandson and to visit with Darcy and Jody and two of her older children.  Daughter Varian and I did a bit of "Hanging out" as she called it.  We had a nice time going out together for shopping and coffee at the macaroon shop near their house.  She is turning 19 in a few weeks so I gave her a gift card and she bought herself an Anime figure and some cards.   I am her grandma in a way too.

Nick and I bought meals either by delivery or pickup so we could all eat and nobody would have to cook.

Baby Galileo is so cute and sweet and tiny.  He is perfect though, so I don't want it to sound like I am saying he is tiny as if that's a bad thing.

Darcy is smitten.  he is such a hands on dad it is wonderful to see.   Jody had a rough time with the preeclampsia and is still recovering.   

Okay, now for the photo bombing.  I know that;s not the correct term for what I am doing but it sounds better than "dumping".

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