Monday, July 29, 2024

heading to the orthopedic surgeon in a minute


This is a cool photo I took the other day when we were visiting Chance at his house in West Virginia.   That's his beautiful cat- whose name I can never remember!

Steroid shots do help with my knee pain, but make me crazy!  It's not unheard of for me to get frustrated and angry.  But at the moment I am getting more so than usual.    Mumbling under my breath how stupid everyone is!   

I want a new knee. I dread the surgery.  Most painful experience in my life- bar none.  But the long term, assuming I am going to live a lot longer, it will be worth it.

Meanwhile, I like to run the air conditioning at freezing, but I don't.  However, with the steroids in my system I am feeling hotter than usual.  So, Nick bought me (on Amazon) a neck air conditioner:

 In other news, I keep newspapers that have what I think of as historical .  Here is the Washington Post from January 21, 2001.   Our (hopefully) next President:



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