Tuesday, June 25, 2024

And, here I am again!

 I've been back from Maine for a while now I just have not had the discipline to write.  Just about every evening when I sit down at my computer I tell myself to blog.  But I don't.  I get caught up in Facebook and knitting patterns &yarn.  I play Solitaire .  

I think I have treated writing here as "homework" not me work.

Originally my sister and I and her dog were planning to go to Maine together.  But then she got pneumonia and really needed to stay home and rest and recover.

I extended my stay to be two days longer than originally planned so Austin would have recovery time from his trip to the west coast and we would have a couple of days to visit.  At the last minute- as I was actually tracking the flight Austin was supposed to be on, Austin texted me to say that he was staying in Oregon for an extra week.   I went through a range of emotions.  Anger.  Sad.  Mistreated.   In the end I stuck to my original travel plans and got an extra couple of days to enjoy Maine.    (Austin got a friend to come care for his cat)

On the flight back to Virginia there were some beautiful clouds we passed through.  I took a bunch of pictures because the clouds seemed photogenic.    But I don't think anyone will really get much out of my pictures besides me!


It was so HOT when I got back to Virginia.  It reminded me of the day we came home from our honeymoon.   We left sweater weather in London to arrive to a hot summer day in VA!

 Nick kept up with watering everything including my flowers!  I was pretty happy to see everything growing and thriving!   

Yes, this is what I came home to!!!

Buddy was very happy to see me too.  Silly old dog!

It was nice to get back to my recliner and to "normal" TV- meaning cable and real channels instead of just Netflix and Prime.  yes I am hooked on TV.  

We were anxiously awaiting the birth of our first grandchild,  Jody developed preeclampsia so we knew that she was going to be induced


The morning of June 17th we got a text from Darcy saying that Galileo Brewster Sherwood had been born -weighing in at 5 pounds 2 ounces!







Of course we think he is beautiful and cannot wait to meet him in person!  We are heading to North Carolina this coming weekend to see him!








I have made two sweater for him so far and I am sure that there will be many more in the years to come!





With all of the baby excitement I neglected to mention that Nick and I celebrated our 52nd wedding anniversary!




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