Sunday, June 2, 2024

Tired today

 I woke up a couple of times last night to go to the bathroom,and then Molly the cat woke me up around 6 or so letting me know that she wanted some company- and some breakfast!

My time here in Maine is drawing to a close.  Austin retuns from his west coast adventures tomorrow.   I leave three days later.

I've done a lot of not much.    I have spent time with friends.  I have been a tourist and done some sighseeing.   I've eaten at places that are not chains and have also eaten at chains (Applebee's and Walmart).

Austin's next door neightbor is such a delight!  She enjoys our little excursions and adventures- even if it just means shopping at Walmart.

This morning Sylvia and I had breakfast at Moody's Diner.   A real old fashioned diner that is up to date enough to have gluten free toast!  After we ate we went into the Moody's gift shop where I picked up (and paid for) a few things.   We also went to the antique store next door which had nothing I wanted to buy.

There's only one chore I want to do today and that is sweeping the sunroom.   

I forgot to mention that Marty, my Tromso friend who is from Maine, came here to Warren yesterday.  She came to Austin's house and agreed with me that it's a cute house and it would make a good fixer-upper for an HGTV show.

Marty and I went into Camden and had lunch is a cafe that overlooks the water.   Then we walked down to the dock (I guess that's what you call the place that boats are).  We sat on a bench and watched the water, boats and birds.  And we talked and talked.   It's so amazing that a friendship can pick up like we just saw each other last week even though it's been more than 30 years!

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