Saturday, February 6, 2016

The snow has mostly melted

The snow that kept us an extra day on our cruise seems to have all but melted.  It is still piled up in nasty, dirt piles in parking lots, but that's about it.  There is some talk of more snow this coming week.   I am okay with that.  I like snow.  And, now that we don't have little kids, or any kids, living at home, "snow day" doesn't mean much of anything any more.

I have not written much because I have been feeling lousy.  And who wants to read about someone feeling lousy.  We can each keep our lousiness to ourselves.  I guess.

While I was gone and the snow was piling up, Nick put a stick outside to measure the depth of the snow.  I took several pictures, starting with the day I got home.  Here they are:

January 25, 2016 16"

Melted February 5, 2016

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