Sunday, December 22, 2013

Good night!

All of the kids are here.  They are excitedly chattering away with each other as Nick lays in bed sleeping and I am about to join him soon.

Nick and I have wrapped all the gifts and put them under the tree.  We are doing Christmas tomorrow morning since Darcy is heading back to North Carolina before the actual day.

Nick's mother is coming over and we are going to have Christmas lunch here with her.  We are having tacos and burritos.   Not very seasonal I guess, but something we all like.

Here's what I wrote on Facebook a few minutes ago: 

What's the difference between having five kids still living at home, and five adult kids (siblings) getting together for the first time in over a year? When they all were living here they were really loud. Mainly because one looked at the other the wrong way, or sat too close or something like that. Now, they are so excited to see each other that they are loud because they are all excited to be together and are all talking at the same time!
Okay, good night now!

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