Tuesday, January 16, 2024


 Mothering (borrowed)

A mom will text her twenty-year-old child,
letting him know it's going to rain and not to forget an umbrella.⁣
She calls to see how the first day of school separation went for her grandkids and if her daughter made it to the car before tears streamed down her face.⁣
She watches her daughter's baby,
so she can shower and take care of her postpartum body.⁣
She texts her forty-year-old son,
making sure he’s home safe from a wedding because knowing that is still the only way she can sleep well.⁣
She buys her thirty-four-year-old daughter Wetzel’s Pretzels when she goes to the mall,
because she knows how much her daughter loves them.⁣
And no,
she no longer needs to do these things,⁣ but she does them anyway.⁣
Because a mother always wants to make life easier for her kids when she can⁣,
even when they’re capable,
responsible humans and can do all the things for themselves.⁣
And she always wants to know they’re safe.⁣
Because mothering doesn’t stop when her kids turn eighteen,
move far away,
or have their own kids.⁣
It just changes.⁣


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