Sunday, September 8, 2024

Vaccinated- again/ Grandparent's Day!


Friday we went and got the latest Covid vaccine as well as RSV and DTaP.   We will get our flu shots in a few weeks I guess.

Yesterday and today I have had a headache.  I suspect it's from the vaccines though Nick doesn't have any symptoms or reactions.   From what I am seeing on Facebook, it's grandparents day.   I looked it up online and I guess it is a real thing, not just a Hallmark celebration.  It was designated as the first Sunday in September and has been since 1971.  Who knew?

I grew up with a family that included aunts and uncles and cousins and grandparents.   I didn't see them very often but I knew and know who they all are.

My mother's cousin, Dan, had five children and I thought that it was very strange that they did not have any grandchildren.   You would think that they would have dozens of grandchildren.

Both of my parents came from families with five children- so, my mom and my dad each had 4 siblings.  That makes 8 aunts and uncles plus their spouses which added up to me having 16 aunts and uncles.  And all of them had children.  So that's how I thought that the world worked.

I pictured a whole bunch of babies and kids from our crew.   I looked forward to it and occasionally grieved over it.

I do respect knowing that you don't want to be a parent.  I respect and value the power to have that choice.  My kids are making their way in the world.  Some will never have children and some might want to have children but not be in the right place in their life's journey.   

We wanted children.  Babies to cherish and love.   Little kids to chase around and teens to drive everywhere.   And even the "teen angst" as one of them called it. 

Broken down cars and minor accidents.  Going to court.   Teaching them all to drive!!

And launching them.  All of them.  Grown ups.   Adults.  Not even what would necessarily be called young adults.

And, we did get to be grandparents of a beautiful little boy named Galileo.   At ages 70 and 76 we know that we most  likely will not be witnesses to some of our grandson's life.  We started this grand-parenting adventure kind of old.  Boy do we love him!

Thank you Jody and Darcy!


Monday, September 2, 2024

I should write a book?

 I love talking about myself.  I mean my experiences with growing up.  With the kids.  Writing about the places I have lived.

So, I have a new email address just for this.

If you have a suggestion or thoughts on what I should write, write to me here: