Saturday, August 3, 2024

Mom grief. Lifted from Facebook


 I saw this on Facebook and it resonated with me.

When Courtney, my firstborn, went off to college, I wrote about the various ways we wean.  Each new stage means the end or transition from the last.  And each of them is a weaning.

The intensity of my feelings for my kids is immeasurable.  Intense .  Joyful and painful..

I often think about how busy I was mothering.  There was so much chaos and joy.  But I have such regrets too.  I was too short tempered.  I yelled too much.  I said things that I cannot take back.  Sigh.

But there is so much love in every cell in my body for each of my children.  I ponder, wondering, how is it possible that each one of them lived and grew and birthed from my body.    Amazing

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