Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Rainy Memorial Day in Camden Maine


I was here for Memorial Day last year, 2023 and enjoyed it tons!  If you look back at my , for this day last year there's not a whole lot difference.  Except for the rain. It didn't rain very hard.  I think that if there was a downpour the whole thing would have been cancelled.

As with last year,  Austin's next door neighbor, Sylvia and I went together.

Sylvia is quite a character!   She just turned 84 and has the energy of a teenager!   She is a lot of fun to hang out with!   After the parade we went to a diner and had brunch.  The vase in the picture was on the window sill by our table.

This morning I thought I had better get some gas for my rental car because I know it was low.   I looked up gas stations on my phone GPS and it said 4 miles to the Shell station.  Well, once I plugged my phone into the car's GPS it said 8 miles.  I decided that was too far so I went a different direction figuring I would find something closer.

So I drove towards the town of Union.  Instead of turning left into Union I turned right somehow thinking that I would fine a gas station..  Well, suffice it to say I was starting to panic and there was a counter on the dashboard telling me how many (or few) miles woth of gas I had.     As the light came on I did finally find a gas station.  I feel so relieved!   Not going to let the guage get so low again!

The rest of the day has been uneventful!  Sylvia came over a while ago and gave me a couple of ceramic bowls that are very nice.  She's so sweet!

Austin's cat Molly has been warming up to me.  She is very sweet.  I thought that she might decide to sleep on trhe bed with me but she doesn't.  That's fine.

More Memorial Day Photos:

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