Below is my class schedule my last semester at George Mason University (GMU)
I caught myself almost writing a long thing about that last semester, but that's not what this is supposed to be about.
What I have been thinking is, that, I need a schedule. Not a tight schedule, just a loose idea of what I am going to do next.
Unless I have an appointment of some sort, every morning I wake up wondering what I am going to do all day.
I usually end up sitting in a recliner, watching TV and knitting. Or reading a book. In short, not getting any physical activity at all. I take the dog out on the deck and occasionally go down the stairs to the patio and fill the bird feeder.
Okay, here;s the thing. I am lazy. I feel like for most of my life I was running. Busy all the time. Going to school, working, housework, etc. Throw in a kid or 5 and there's really only rare time to sit and put your feet up. That's one of the great things about breastfeeding. You can sit and put your feet up and benefit from the wash of hormones that make you feel so good.
Back to me, here and now. Do I really want to create a schedule for myself? It's kind of nice to hang out in pajamas all day.
Darn it, it's late now and I am going to head to bed in a few minutes. I wonder what I will feel like doing in the morning!
Mom’s Class Schedule Spring 2004
IT 103-201 Intro to Computing M 9-10:15 IN 105 Shorling
IT 103-201 Computer Lab M 10:30-11:45 IN 223
ENGL 398-001 Intro to Fiction Writing MW 3:00-4:15 R-B105 Scott
ENGL 338-001 Cultural Constructions TR 10:30-11:45 R-A245 Amireh
Of Sexuality
ANTH 315-001 Socialization Process TR 12 -1:15 R-B122 Williams
ENGL 380-001 Recent American Fiction TR 1:30-2:45 R-A247 Nadeau
MATH 106 Quantitative Reasoning TR 4:30-5:54 T 110 Shaw
ENGL 398-001 Intro to Fiction Writing MW 3:00-4:15 R-B105 Scott
ENGL 338-001 Cultural Constructions TR 10:30-11:45 R-A 245 Amireh Of Sexuality
ANTH 315-001 Socialization Process TR 12:00-1:15 R-B122 Williams
ENGL 380-001 Recent American Fiction TR 1:30-2:45 R-A247 Nadeau
MATH 106 Quantitative Reasoning TR 4:30-5:54 T 110 Shaw
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