Friday, December 20, 2024


 From Tuesday, December 17th.

I had knee replacement surgery seven weeks ago today. My recovery has been going pretty well. I am able to walk around the house without a cane.
That is, was. This evening we went to Chipotle, to eat. As I left the ladies room I tripped over a stack of patio umbrellas that were in the middle of the floor. I did not see them until I was on the floor. I fell on both knees. The one I had surgery on five years ago and the one from seven weeks ago. I am bruised and sore. I hope nothing is terribly damaged. Just by luck my follow up appointment with the surgeon is tomorrow. Wish me luck, as I limp off to bed.

December 18th:
My knees really hurt. That said, I saw the doctor today and got x-rays. Nothing is broken. Just inflamed and sore. I will be alright, just in pain for a while

December 20th:

My knees hurt and I feel fragile. But even worse that gthe knee pain is my ribs. I have been assured that I dod not break a rib. But when I cough my ribs really hurt!

Saturday, December 14, 2024

I believe in vaccinations


Christmas is Coming!


I have been recovering from my knee surgery.   I knew it would be bad and I was right.  The early days were really rough, but now I am able to walk .   

I have slept in a recliner since I got home except for the firt night.   Last night I decided to try sleeping in the bed again.   It was scary worried that I would twist my knee and hurt myself.    I did manage to sleep about two hours before I made my way back to the recliner.  Maybe tonight I will be brave and sleep in our bedrooom upatairs.

While Nick travelled, Carol spent the last two weeks here.  It's been like a girls trip.  I don't think we have ever spent this much time together just hanging out.  We've watched some good movies and TV shows.

Nick's been on a cruise the past could of weeks,which is why Carol has been babysitting for me. He's been sending my emaisl every day which is nice.   But he is also keeping meup to date on his stomach Issues.   I just hope that he is not too wiped out for Christmas decoration when he gets back.  Just a couple more days.It is sure to be a total, chaotic Christmas this year!  All five kids, spouses and partners and the baby!

Saturday, November 30, 2024


 I knew before I had this knee replacement surgery that the recovery was hard.  And painful.   

I am a month out from getting my new knee.   The first weeks the pain was terrible.  I was taking pain medications every time I was eligible.   I have been sleeping in a recliner eversince gettinghome from the hospital with one exception.  The first night home I slept in the bed with Nick.  That night I woke up in pain and needing to go to the bathroom.  I wet the bed and myself.  

It was really unbelievable how much my bladder holds.   The first two plus weeks I had to sleep with a depends and on top of a water proof pad.   Now all is well and I am sleeping better and rarely wetting myself!  

I wake up with a stiff knee. I have to move slow to avoid too much pain.   I wonder when I will be alright to drive again?

Nick is heading out tomorrow to go to the UK and then take a transatlantic cruise.   He will be gone for two weeks.   The plan is fop Austin to join him in England, so, fingers crossed they will connect and cruise back together.

Carol is staying with me while Nick is away.   So my 77 year old sister will be babysitting 70 year old me!

The plan is to watch a lot of TV!    Carol can drive me to my physical therapy twice a week while Nick is away.

Then, 🎅 Christmas!   We will have a full house!  More on that later.

One month out!

Thursday, November 28, 2024

Let us give thanks

  Let Us Give Thanks

By the Rev. Max Coots

Let us give thanks for the bounty of people:

For children who are our second planting, and, though they grow like weeds and the wind too soon blows them away, may they forgive us our cultivation and fondly remember where their roots are.

Let us give thanks:

For generous friends....with hearts...and smiles as bright as their blossoms.

For feisty friends as tart as apples.

For continuous friends, who like scallions and cucumbers, keep reminding us that we've had them;

For crotchety friends, as sour as rhubarb and as indestructible;

For handsome friends, who are as silly as Brussels sprouts and as amusing as Jerusalem artichokes, and serious friends as complex as cauliflower and as intricate as onions;

For friends as unpretentious as cabbages. as subtle as summer squash, as persistent as parsley, as delightful as dill, as endless as zucchini and who, like parsnips , can be counted on to see you through the winter;

For old friends, nodding like sunflowers in the evening time, and young friends coming on as fast as radishes;

For loving friends, who wind around us like tendrils and hold us, despite our blights, wilts and witherings;

And finally , for those friends now gone, like gardens past that have been harvested, and who fed us in their times that we might have life  thereafter.

For all these we give thanks.

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Something I wrote on Facebook today


La Leche League has been a huge part of my life since I became a LLL Leader in 1979.

My husband is retired from the US Foreign Service, so we have moved and live in a lot of different places. In 1983 we bought a house in Reston, Virginia that would be our home base when we were back in the States.
In 1986 we moved back to Virginia and I got involved in Leading the LLL Group in Sterling, VA. Over time, two of the Group moms became LLL Leaders and one mom stayed close to the rest of us.
These are the moms who took care of me when I came home from China with my sick, preemie and my three year old. One of these moms was a milk donor for my (now 33 year old) baby.
Fast forward. I am the only one who is still a Leader, but we zoom together on a regular basis.
On Saturday we got a great text from Joanne Kyreakakis Simeon announcing the birth of her granddaughter. Shortly after that we got a text from Mariellen McCarthy Hagy announcing the birth of her grandson almost 12 hours earlier.
Thank you La Leche League for bringing these wonderful friends into my life!
PS my first grandchild was born 5 months ago!


Thursday, November 14, 2024


I got my staples removed.  Don't really feel a lot different but I guess it's progress.

I am feeling more mobile though I still need pain medication and I still need to use my walker.   And I am still sleeping in the recliner.  I tried lying down in the bed this evening but the potential for really hurting my knee/ leg is too scary.

I am feeling very discombobulated about the election.  I was so sure Kamala would win.  I am blown away that she didn't.  Trump is a creep and an all together bad guy.   Enough said.


I am feeling very sad about my dear sweet, wonderful friend Shannon.   Shannon was diagnosed with lymphoma more than two years ago. She's gone though so much.  Chemo, surgeries of a variety of types.  Strokes.   She has not been about to walk for most of the time she has been sick.

And now, it looks like the end is getting closer. Her cancer has become very aggressive and is in her brain.   She might live another 2 months.

I have tried to visit Shannon as much as possible- which is not enough in my opinion.  Friends have gone with me to visit her with me as has my sister.

While I am recovering from my knee surgery I cannot make the long drive to visit Shannon.   I don't think she would know if I was there, but I wold like to sit a while with her.  


  Shannon and other La Leche League Friends 2006