Sunday, February 19, 2023

Losing things

 I don't usually lose things.  But this week is an exception.

Thursday evening I led a La Leche League meeting.  We met in a church nursery room on Thursday night.  When I was leaving, I was talking and carrying things and not really thinking about my cane.  It was only after I had left that I relized that I had left it at the church.    It's too isolated and dark to go back on my own to get my cane.  I left it there and I emailed the church.  They founf it and are holding it for me!  Hurray!

Yesterday as I was going out, I stopped at Walgreen's and bought myself a new cane.  Red. 

 Today Nick and I drove to College Park, Maryland.  It's over an hour drive.  I was meeting a lactation consultant friend to do some banking.  Speifically, I was hoping to turn over our group's treasury.   The bank was short staffed and we were told that we would have to wait,   So we waited for over an hour before we left.

Only after Nick and I had gone thorugh a drive through for lunch did I realize that I had left my new cane inside the bank.  But, they were closed.   I banhged on the door, but nobody came.  So now I am down two canes.   I know it will all work out somehow, but right now I am feeling dumb/absent minded.

I visted my friend Shannon yesterday.  HSe lives over an hour's drive away.  We visted and just chatted about health (mainly her's- she is sick) and knitting and kids.  We have not seen each other in so long it felt good to just sit together in person.

And now to adult kids.  Chance bought a house this week (with help from his parents).  It's a very old house in West Virginia.  Needs some work, but mostly it is pretty cool!   He will be moving in gradually as he gets furniture to live with and does some basic cleaning.

Austin left for Thailand by way of Istanbul.  He left this evening, flying our on Turkish Airlines.  He will land in Istanbul  and then take another plane to Phuket Thialand, where he will meet up with his [girl] friend.  They will be travelng for about a month.

It's funny how, when your grown kids are lving on their own you don't really worry about them like you did when they were little kids.  But then, when they are living/ staying with you, you worry as if they were little kids.  I suspect that what is a new discovery for me has been happening for more generations than I can imagine!

Now I need to sleep.   I will try to get my cane tomorrow.  We'll see!

A beautiful February sunset

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