Thursday, February 16, 2023

I'll get to it later. And, I am always waiting for something

 Doesn't every crafter have WIPs?  (works in progress).  The things we will get around to doing "one day"  when I have the time"  "I'm too busy".

Yes and no.  I am sitting here in front of my computer and not doing other things.  I could be sweeping the floor- it's a mess and it bothers me.  But I don't feel like it.

I finished my last knitting project- a pair of mitten for a friend.  Now I have picked up a scarf that I have been knitting for a couple of years.  But since I don't know even why I am knitting it I feel kind of like I don't know why I am doing it.  I guess I am doing it so I can finish it up and start on the next thing.

But, how many things are there?  There's the sweater I started for myself in 1997.  It's really beautiful.  I have finished half of the back.   My excuse?  I cannot work on it when there's anyone around who might distract me.  It takes a lot of concentration.  Ha!  I have had lots of times when I could have picked it up.   Funny though, I know that it would have fit me when I started it, but I know that it will not fit me now.

I could finish that sweater for my daughter.  I know that she would love it.  I love knitting for other people.  I know that my knitted gifts are well received.  But then I worry about how appreciated they really are.  Will they find themselves in the bottom of a drawer smooshed up and wrinkled.  

There is always that elusive something.  I'll be more patient with my next child.  Am I?  Was I?   Does it matter?

And it's fun to make fun of people who care about the things I care about.  Not directly at me, but the fact that I like sheets and clothing done a certain way.  I fold things.  I love folding the laundry.  I honestly don't put a lot of thought into it, it's just something I do.   And I like a clean house.  I remember a bumper sticker that was something about how women with clean houses have empty minds.  

I don't know what I am getting at.  Just feel like writing something.

And now, it is time to get ready to go out.  I have a LLL meeting this evening. 

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