Friday, April 15, 2022

Seasons? Circle of Life?

 Some people say that everything happens for a reason.   Huh.  Really?    I supposed you can create a reason so things make sense.   But I think things just happen.

Now I don't mean regular stuff.  Like, putting the pizza into a hot oven makes it cook.   The cooked pizza is the thing that happened and the reason is that you put it in the oven when the oven was hot.  

Not sure if I am articulating this very well.

So, what am I getting at?  Well, for months I have been grieving over the deaths of too many friends.  Cancer is a biggie.   Three (at least) people I know have either died from their cancer or have cancer that might take them away.  Covid 19.  People that I only know in the sense that I know the loved ones of the people who have died.    We have all borne witness to the devastation this disease had wrought.   Accidents.   Two friends have died from falls.   One fell off of his roof.  The other fell down the stairs and fractured his skull.   One was immediate  (the fall from the roof) and the fall from down the stairs looked for a brief moment like recovery might happen.  One friend died because at almost 94 her body was just done.

Then the other day it struck me.  There are reasons to be happy.  Joyful even .One step relative had twins in December- and they are thriving!     A friend I only know on Facebook had a much wanted and loved daughter.  After numerous pregnancy losses she is truly in awe that her body was able to make this child and nourish her too.

My closest cousin, who already has three grandchildren is ecstatic to learn that she has three more grandchildren on the way.  A set of twins and a singleton. 

Babies and birth, when wanted, are such an affirmation of life. Like springtime.  All the trees and flowers are budding and new and beautiful.

And I titled this "Seasons".  Because things change and cycle and seem to renew somehow.  

Trees are the easiest examples of this.  In the fall, many trees turn beautiful colors- then the colorful  leaves fall off leaving the tree looking dead.   Naked and cold.   Spring comes and the little buds appear.  And then flowers and leaves.

And so, friends age and lose some of their vigor and sparkle.   And they die.  It is so sad.   And unlike the trees, they will not sprout new growth in the next season.  They are merely memories and old pictures and stories shared with mutual friends.

Babies are conceived and born.  They are so hard to figure out and so simple too.  And they are bright and they sparkle.   

Three seasons in the life of a cherry tree

This is the spooky old tree behind our house.    We call it that because it reminds us of a book we used to read to the kids:


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