Wednesday, December 23, 2020

December 23, 2020

 It is 4:42 am. Not a time when I should be up and about.  My knees were hurting and it work me up.  Then I had to go to the bathroom.  I settled into the reclining chair in the bedroom and found myself feeling really hungry.

I am in the kitchen having just eaten whipped cream cheese with strawberry jam.  Eating right out of the containers.  It was good and hit the spot

I believe that all of the shopping and shipping that needs to be taken care of has been taken care of.  I even wrapped all the presents that I know about,

Courtney tells me each time she gets a package in the mail.  Some of it  is for her and some if for Zach.  Courtney and I are in communication just about every day.  Even if no presents have arrived that day.

Morgan and Kim communicate sporadically. I track the packages sent to them to see f they have received them.  So far good so good.

Darcy doesn't say much about anything.  Gia, Darcy's girlfriend's daughter keeps me up to date.    It looks like all of the boxes I sent got there.

Austin is currently living in our house with us.  With his cat.  Fortunately, the basement where Austin is is finished and set up as a nice apartment.  Austin is looking into buying a house in Maine.   That would be so good for him to get away from us.

Chance's lease is up in March.  He's thinking of  moving to Maine to live with Austin.  We have all decided that with the pandemic still going strong, Chance should stay home in Richmond for the time being.  A small box has been sent his way.

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