Friday, August 30, 2024

My babies keep getting older

 Forty years ago on this date, we were newcomers to Tromsø, Norway. We had only been there for 3 weeks and were waiting for my mom to come help out. On the evening of August 30/ early hours of the 31st I went into labor. My mom was not there and my husband and I did not know a soul. I cried because my mom had not gotten there yet and I needed her, especially because I had a 6 year old and a 3 year old who needed looking after.

I sat in the bathtub with warm water thinking that somehow it would slow or stop my labor. It did not.

On August 31, 1984 I gave birth to Darcy Brewster Sherwood. One of the very few American diplomats born north of the Arctic Circle!
 And now he is turning 40 and has his own son!
 (my mom got there about a week later and boy was I glad to see her)



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