Sunday, July 21, 2024

It's Sunday and I am sick of politics

Biden has left the race for President.  Trump is a horrible person.  Kamala Harris will be our next President.

'Nuff said

I hate pain.  My right knee hurts so much I cannot stand to walk anywhere.  Even just going to the kitchen or bathroom is painful.   I desperately want to have my knee replacement surgery. I do remember how painful the surgery and recovery were with the first one, but now I can walk with no pain in my left knee.  

I am working really hard on complying with the Weight Watchers plan.  Not open for discussion by the way.   I don't need any input on diet and exercise.  

I hope I can make myself go to the community center pool and swim.   It will feel good and I will get some exercise there.


 Baby Galileo continues to grow and amaze.  According to Darcy, Galileo is a bit above 7 pounds!  Good job baby and parents!


One month old!


Sweet smiling baby boy

                                                                                         Not always happy!

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