Saturday, May 25, 2024

Maine is Marvelous

 I did some running around today,  I started by taking a whole lot of cans and bottles to the recyling center in Thomaston not very far away,   The place is called "The Redemption Center"  

From there I went into Camden and went to the yarn store there that I love.   It's called the Cashmere Goat.  There was a yarn there that I really wanted to buy, but it would cost more than $50.00 to knit a baby sweater and I decided not to buy it.   I did buy some knitting needles.

I got into a conversation with a couple who have taken the coastal steamer up to Tromso.  Small world!  The husband is Danish and he replied in Danish when I said good bye to them!

Next stop was the Goodwill store.  I bought a lovely basket for Austin to keep apples in- but I might just keep it!  Also bought a silly traffic light (battery operated) for Austin.

I came home and had some lunch.  Then I started purging - sun room, pantry, kitchen and barn.   I loaded up my car and went to the Warren Transfer Station AKA the dump.   Felt good to clean up all that stuff.

Normally when I blog I try to place pictures with the writing that goes with them.  But I have a hard time doing that- especially on my laptop.   So I am just going to do a photo dump when I am done writing.

Some of the pictures are of the scenic road and lake between Austin's house and the dump!  There's also the big Trump poster on someone's garage.   A silly picture of Molly the cat.  And a picture of me all worn out!

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