Saturday, June 27, 2020

Here I am again

my socks, looking at them while I sit

The format for this blog has changed. I had to look all over the page to figure out how to write a new post.  So, here I am.

I have felt really crummy most of the day.  Actually, it probably started yesterday.  I was trying to dead head (prune) my roses.   It hurt so much to even do the little amount of bending that I did, that I quit.  Even bending the slightest bit causes whatever is inside my right knee (yes I know it's "bone on bone").  It feels like shards of glass. I swear I can even hear the crunching sound.

Add to the feeling that everything I do hurts my knee is the fact that the house needs to be cleaned.  Well, I think it does.  Apparently I am the only one. When the  bottoms of my white socks get filthy from walking in my own house it only means one thing,. The floors are dirty.  They need to be swept.  And mopped.  And the rugs need to  be vacuumed,  And the furniture polished.  And then there are the bathrooms.  Actually the bathrooms are more dusty than dirty.

Today I took on the bathroom in the master (our) bedroom.  I swept.  Did you know that there can be dust even behind the toilet?  I shook out the bathmats.  There are four of them plus the rug in front of the toilet.  I shook them all in my bedroom- over the rug, figuring that the rug would get vacuumed. 

I cleaned the shower, squeegeed the glass shower doors.  Cleaned the sinks .  Windex-ed the mirrors.   It was a sight to behold.  It was so clean and nice.

However, all of that maneuvering required to clean a bathroom was more than my body really wanted to do.

After I showered and came to sit in front of the TV to knit, I was in so much pain.  My whole right leg hurt.  From my knee all the way to my ankle.   At one point I even thought about driving to the hospital to be checked out and figure out why it hurt so much. 

When Nick went up to take his shower, I asked him to give me my compression socks.  Lovely things they are.  Blue knee socks that are kind of pilled (lint/ fuzz).  Wearing my navy blue socks with my grey capris must have looked crazy.  But those socks make so much difference. I have felt better all day.  At least my legs have.

Even with some relief from the pain in my legs, I have been just feeling really down.  Just tired of the corona virus.  The wearing a mask and staying home and away from people.  I would love to just go to Target and walk up and down the aisles.   Is the opposite of sensory overload, sensory deprivation?

Then, this evening I started to look through pictures on Facebook.    

I got to the pictures from December 2017, when I had my second brain surgery.   There are pictures from shortly after the surgery.  Pictures of me at home showing off my "bangs" and my bald, scarred and stitched up head.  There are pictures of me after the surgery when my face and head swelled up.

I got so many positive messages and messages of care and concern.  It made me realize and remember how good my life really is.  I know that I post jokes and political stuff on Facebook.  And I get a good number of "likes".  But the outpouring of genuine friendship brought me back to earth.  It brought my out of my funk!

Now if we can only get through this pandemic and also get rid of Trump, the world will be a much nicer place to live. Knee pain and brain tumors and all!

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