Sunday, June 21, 2020

Getting old?

I up the other day thinking about this. Aging.  Maybe I am in denial, but I cannot think of myself as "old".  I am 66.  I guess I'm  not a kid any more.

One thing I am asking myself is, does aging have to hurt?  I seem to hurt somewhere or other almost all of the time.  It's mostly my knees.  The knee I had replaced last August isn't really painful now like it was for the first few months.  But I am aware of it. If I bump the scar it hurts.

My right knee- the one due to be replaced one of these days.  That's the one that really hurts.  When I bend over and bend my knees that right knee crackles and feels like there are shards of glass rubbing together. 

If I sit in any position for too long, my legs are really stiff when I stand up and try to walk.   am sure I must look like I am 100 years old.

Oh, and then there's my hips.  Often when I am in bed, my hip starts to hurt.  I can really only sleep comfortably while lying on my side.  That contributes to the hip pain.

On some nights I wake up because my legs are so achy.  Putting on compression socks helps.  A lot.

Okay, that's enough griping about my aches and pains.  

Our life has been pretty tame lately.   I guess some people would be bored being us.  We are both content drinking our coffee and watching TV.  I am usually knitting something or another.   Nick is often in front of his computer in his den.  I get up to go to the bathroom about 100 times a day.   I try not to eat stuff that I know better than to eat. But I am not so good.  I lost 30lb before my knee surgery.   I should have kept at it and worked on losing more.  But, no, I have gained about 20lb of it back.

I suspect my weight is a major contributing factor in my aches etc.   I have started to  use my Weight Watcher tracking.  It helps a lot.  There will start being open studios where I could attend meetings.  Meetings really helped me a lot.  But with Covid 19 numbers going up, I am staying safe and staying home.

We go for walks when it's nice out- and my knees are not too painful.  We go for drives too.  Buddy loves to go for walks and drives.

Austin has been here for a few weeks.  It's worked out well.  He has the whole basement as his apartment.  We usually eat dinner together which is nice. We talk and listen.  I love listening to Austin about things that he knows and I don't understand.  He's very smart.  And just a good guy

In Reston, when we moved into our house there in 1983, Kathy was our next door neighbor. She still lives there.  Over the years she had a son, and I had a couple of sons who enjoyed paying with him.  Even though we have moved allover the world and back, and now to  Aldie, Kathy and I keep in close touch.  

Kathy became a grandmother this week.  I am so happy for her!  I knitted a sweater for the baby and I can't wait to get it to her.  She knew that the baby was going to be a girl, so I knitted a pink sweater for her.  That's my latest project.

I still remember the day  she came home from the hospital with her son- who is a new parent himself!


  1. Love that sweater! Is the pattern on Ravelry?

  2. not sure. Here;s where I got it:

  3. Oh Nancy, I loved reading your post! We have known each other 37 years now! No, we are NOT getting old! We are getting more refined with age! I am planning give Steve and Ellen the sweater tomorrow when I go visit! ❤️❤️❤️ Kathy
