Every day I tell myself that I need to write, and every day I don't write. I sat down at my computer several hours ago planning to blog and instead I am looked at Facebook, knitting patterns and who knows what else.
I guess I should start by showing off the paper flower bouquet that Nick gave me for Valentines Day today. I mailed some of these to the kids, but I don't know what shape the will be in when they are received.
I have been miserable for the last couple of months. First there was the expected pain and recovery from knee replacement surgery. But that was getting better before I fell and developed some sort of neuro/ muscular mess . I have been n pain since mid December- waking up at night being jolted away by the pain. Primarily in my knee and hip.
I have seen my orthopedic surgeon, my psychologist, a pain specialist and my internal medicine doctor. I did some research and got myself a medical marijuana card, and Nick and I went to the legal "weed store" called Beyond Hello. We spoke with the pharmacist who prescribed some gummies and a tincture to put under my tongue. Both drugs made me drowsy. Neither made the pain go away. I actually felt sort of silly going to a drug place. The whole thing is weird Show your "card", show our ID etc. hen there's the being escorted through the locked door into the dispensary. I felt like --I don't know. I just kept thinking that you don't have to do all of that to go into a liquor store. Oh well.
I have had a hard time explaining that I don't need something to make me sleep. I need something to make the pain go away. The pain doctor prescribed oxycodone for the pain. Like the other things, the pain stayed but I got dopey so I didn't care. The pain doc wanted to do a procedure that involves sticking needles in my legs and running electricity through them to kill the nerve pain.
So... last week I saw my internal medicine doctor, Dr Bhushan. Dr. B was against that procedure Genicular
Nerve Treatment. Too risky and it might not work or it could do permanent damage. Dr B prescribed Gabapentin which is a muscle relaxer. It seemed to help . Then I went to Dr Klein, orthopedic doctor who prescribed a "steroid pack". The combination of the steroids and the Gabapentin seems to do the trick. I am still stiff and sore, but I don't have jolting, searing pain going through me. I am feeling optimistic!
It is so nice to be able to look forward. To anything. No, I am still not up to taking a long flight or drive. Not sure I will ever be able to walk distances like I used to. But I can dream.
In that vain (vein?), I fantasize about visiting the kids- not really that far fetched. I have a fantasy about traveling. Where to? Oh my.
I would like to go to the UK with Nick. See my friend Sarah Hung who I know from Hong Kong. She lives in the UK now. How about Paris to see Joniece. Haven;t seen her since high school, but we have laughs on Facebook! Travel around being tourists. I want to go to Oslo and Tromso then? Maybe Poland and Germany. Onward to Germany maybe? See how Berlin has changed.
Thailand- Bangkok to see Ampia and Chiang Mai to see Alex and Julie and whatever old LLL friends who still live there.
Of course I want to go to Perth. I don't know how that would be. We would not be able to stay in "our" house of course. I'd love to visit Melbourne gt in touch with Tracy Bartrum (who I know from Perth) and Next will be New Zealand to visit my Claire- also someone I know from Perth, and then to see my cousin Molli Thompsen who lives in Wellington.
I could go on and one. yes I am a dreamer. And I guess that this dreaming is an indication that I am feeling better!
As long as I am on a roll with my rambling, I will write about something else that's on my mind. I know that I won't be alive forever. I hope I will be around for quite a few more years- but there are no guarantees. I would like to write a letter to each of the kids and tell them how much I love them and how special they are to me in their own unique ways. They are all wonderful people. They baffle me sometimes. How did they get to be who they are? And who are they? I just love them so much I want them to have that gift of a letter. I hope it will happen and I will do that writing.
Galileo's first two teeth! |
And the last thing I am thinking about. Cheeks. Specifically baby cheeks. I look at photos of my grandson, Galileo and imagine rubbing my cheek against his smooth wonderful, baby soft cheeks. It is so basic and primal. I did it with all of my babies. It's love and connection and sensual and soft.
Yes, my kids get tired of me saying how I remember them as babies. Okay, be annoyed. But you are a part of me. You have my and your dad's DNA. You grew inside of me and I nurtured and nourished you with my body. So be nice to me!