Sunday, January 5, 2025

Snow and other things




















There is a big snow storm being predicted in the next few days.   I usually don't really believe the weather reports because they are so often wrong about snow.  But, maybe they are right this time.   It snowed here the other day- hence the picture of the snow falling in my back yard.

I love snow.  At least the kid in me does.   It is so beautiful and peaceful.   But I am not as keen on the cold as I believe that I must have been at some point in my life.    I will look at and photograph the snow.  But I doubt that I will be out tossing snowballs or making a snow man.

Buddy, the dog, likes snow.  He likes to run around in it.  I wonder how his old body will feel about it this year.

The kids were all here for Christmas and now, all but Austin have gone back to their homes scattered around the US.   Austin plans to leave soon, but he has some dental work to attend to.   he was scheduled to go to the dentist Monday morning and fly to Maine Monday afternoon.  But the airlines are already allowing flight changes with no penalty due to the expected snow.  I know he's anxious to leave and get on with his life.  And he will.

I just had a thought pop into my head.    Thinking about Grandma Thompsen, my Norwegian grandmother.  In one of the letters she wrote to me, she said that there was snow at her place.  She asked some neighborhood kids to build a snowman in the front yard so she could see it.   Growing up in Norway she certainly saw a lot of snow in her life!

My friend Shannon is not doing well.  Her husband wrote to me about eight weeks ago saying that Shannon is declining.  Shannon and I started exchanging daily emails when she first got sick- in 2021 I think.   Whenever she missed writing to me for a day or two I would check in with her husband to see if she was okay.  And there was always a reason for not writing.  Not feeling well.  Phone not working right.   I figured out the other day that between August 2022 and October 2024, Shannon and I exchanged close to 800 emails!   I also sent occasional gifts, like yarn for Shannon to crochet, or coloring books for her girls.  

I have visited Shannon as often as possible (not often enough though).   I went with our mutual friends, including my sister.  But more often I went on my own.   The last time I visited I read Walt Whitman's "Leaves of Grass".   I got a large print Readers Digest so that we could read together.  But it never happened.    

Since my surgery  and recovery, and subsequent fall, I have not driven very much.   I am sad to think that I might not visit Shannon again.  I don't think she is receiving visitors.  I know that she is not writing any more.

Caring and loving can be so hard sometimes.   I miss my mom and Nick's parents.  They would be so happy and in love with Galileo their great grandson.    

This year, for the first time in our household, we lit a Menorah.    My daughter in-law Kim,  and Courtney's boyfriend Zach are Jewish and they did the honors.   It bought a little light and hope into our home. And reminded us that perhaps there are miracles in our lives.



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