Wednesday, September 25, 2024

I'm so confused

 The other day I started on a cross stitch project.  I have not done cross stitch for a while (years?) and had not realized how tiny the fabric and the stitches are.  I have to use a magnifying glass to do the work.  Really!  I actually bought a light/ magnifying glass combo so I can see what I am doing.

And knitting.  I knitted a cute pumpkin hat for Galileo and cannot wait to see him in it.  

Meanwhile, I have been working on a sweater for myself that I keep getting confused by.  I have taken rows out and re-knitted them and still am not sure if I am doing it right.   And I am an experienced knitter. 


Then, in the spirit of the season I decided I would like to knit tiny pumpkins.  I am about 15 rows in and I am still not sure if I've got it right.  I think I am going to pull some of it out and switch to larger needled.  

And I have some yarn and a pattern for a scarf I want to make for a friend.  When will I get around to that project?

In May I bought a pattern and some fabric to make a dress for my daughter, Courtney.  I cut it all out and carefully packed it in my suitcase and took it with me to Maine.  I was planning to sew it while I was there.  There's a perfectly good sewing machine in Austin's house- where I was house-sitting.   Did I do anything with it?  Nope.  The fabric and pattern et all are now sitting in the basement here, on the table next to my sewing machine.   





We have a wonderful, large basement with a great sewing/ crafting room.   I have scrap-booking stuff sitting on a crafting table.   Sewing machines.  Lots of yarn.  A TV.  But I rarely ever even go down there. Why?  I dunno.  

Below is a picture of a part of the space that has my crafting things.  Picture was taken when this house was still the model house. (Nick is the picture).

And now I have to get ready to go out.  There's an activity at the library on how to use a serger (sewing machine.  I have one and I love it, but maybe I will learn something new.



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