Wednesday, March 4, 2020

My how time flies!

Last week, after much planning, my high school friend, Celestine and I met for lunch.   She and I went to the Barrie School together in the late 60's  she went there for a year or two and then went to different schools.  I went there all through high school- graduating in 1972.

As far as I can figure it has been 50 years, more or less, since we have seen or spoken to each other. It's only through Facebook that we found each other.  

I have some old pictures, but they must be on my desktop computer.  

Nick and I got together with a few Barrie folks about 10 years ago.  And I went to a small gathering at an alum's house around 5 years ago.  But this is the first time Celestine and I have gotten together.

Life is funny.  We have both had our separate lives.  We've both raised families.  She has grandchildren and even one great grandchild.  I don't have any.

But at lunch, we were just a couple of girls talking as if we just saw each other a week earlier.

Life is amazing that way.

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