Friday, November 1, 2013

Trick or Treat

Yup, it's that time of year.  I was really feeling pretty bah humbug about Halloween this year.  No little kids in my life.  I mean who I would be sewing for and such.  All of the years I sewed costumes for all five kids has come to an end.  No grandchildren on the horizon.  Just sort of "eh".

We broke down and bought candy- half off because we waited so late.  No pumpkin.  I stopped at Big Lots  when I was out today and got some decorations- picture to follow.  Didn't even carve a pumpkin this year.  

We had loads of kids.   Most of them little, looking sort of shell shocked.  They are the one's whose parents will be eating all of their candy.  Been there...  There were a few groups of teens.  All in all, everyone was nice and cute.  The only original, home made costume was a kid with a laundry basket over her head with clothes hanging from it.   Cute!

I had one of my photos of the Grand Canyon made into a poster to hang over the sofa in the family room.  It's a picture that I really like a lot.   While waiting for trick or treaters, I sat at Nick's computer in the study.  I started to look at some of his photos.   I had seen them before, but this time I saw more than I recalled seeing before.  His pictures of Bryce Canyon are stunning.  I plan to make some blow ups of those pictures.  They need to be seen and shared.   That part of the country has such amazing geology.  The colors are spectacular.   I am so sorry I got sick when we went to Bryce last year.  I just could not stay at the high elevation.

I am planning to go on a food plan that I hope will help me lose the 100+ ponds I need to lose.   I am pretty sure that would make a world of difference in my ability to stand high elevations.   

And as for weight.  What a sucky subject.  I know that I am way over weight.  But I like to pretend that I am not.  I see pictures of myself and do not recognize myself.   I see myself in the mirror and look away.  Being fat is something embarrassing and some how shameful.  It proves that you don't have any self control and are a lazy slob.     I know that I am not a lazy anything.  Though I know that I dress like a slob when I am knocking around the house. 

One of the reasons it is hard to lose weight, at least for me, is that I have to admit that I have a problem.  And that I may be responsible for it myself.   I can blame it on all sorts of things.  Many of them are really and truly good, honest reasons.   But I need to do something about it.  Ok, that's enough on that uncomfortable subject.

Oh, I passed my lactation exam.   I studied hard for it and it paid off.  I was pretty sure I would pass.  Nick asked me what I would do if I didn't pass.  I told him that, honestly, I would be devastated.   I really would.  I am so good at what I do.  I know that I have made a difference in so many women's lives.  Sometimes I help with my technical knowledge, but mostly I empower them to see what they can do themselves.  I help women feel good about their abilities and wishes and goals.  I always tell moms that we are about finding success, and that it may not be what you expected, but it is there.

Ok, that's that for tonight.

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