I was all set to go crawl into bed, put my head down and fall asleep. So sleepy. I was. Then I decided to check email and see if there was anything from Nick. Nope, not yet. But there was one from Chance. Asking me to figure out cell phone usage with his phone, in China.
I called the International Care Department of AT&T. Got a nice man on the phone and we talked about all the choices. I choose the things that sounded best to me. And, the nice man said, his computer wasn't allowing him to continue processing the work. Call back in an hour.
Do you see where this is going? I am no longer ready to sleep. I am not sleepy. I am not tired. I am wide awake. And now I am hungry too.
I sit at my computer looking for emails and playing around on Facebook- looking at everyone's status and pictures. The hour has passed. I call AT&T back. I get a delightful young woman on the phone. She is able to pull up a record of the conversation from an hour ago. Bingo! We're all set up. I have even received an email from them with all the stuff written out.
Now I a really starving. I must clump my way down the stairs in my broken ankle's black, clunky, awkward boot. And hope I don't fall and break anything else. At least, not before I get something to eat!
Here's my boot:
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